Theses and Thesis Proposals
- On Improving Backwards Reasoning with Symbolic Execution: Integrating Loop Summarization, Alias Analysis, and Compositional Summarization, Md Syadus Sefat, PhD Dissertation, February 2025
- Enhancing Software Security through Code Diversification Verification, Control-flow Restriction, and Automatic Compartmentalization, Jae-Won Jang, PhD Dissertation, July 2024
- Verification of DMAC Device Driver Operations in HOL4, Robert Platt, MS Thesis, May 2024
- Modeling and Synthesis of Linux DMA Device Drivers using HOL4, Aditya Gawali, MS Thesis, May 2024
- Remote Software Guard Extensions (RSGX), Abilesh Sundarasamy, MS Thesis, December 2023
- SNIC-DSM: SmartNIC-based DSM Infrastructure for Heterogeneous-ISA Machines, Hemanth Ramesh, MS Thesis, June 2023
- CRIU-RTX: Remote Thread eXecution using Checkpoint/Restore in Userspace, Mohamed Husain, MS Thesis, June 2023
- Netswap: Network-based Swapping for Server-Embedded Board Clusters, Sandeep Errabelly, MS Thesis, May 2023
- On Improving the Security of Virtualized Systems through Unikernelized Driver Domain and Virtual Machine Monitor Compartmentalization and Specialization, A K M Fazla Mehrab, PhD Dissertation, February 2023
- Improving Operating System Security, Reliability, and Performance through Intra-Unikernel Isolation, Asynchronous Out-of-kernel IPC, and Advanced System Servers, Mincheol Sung, PhD Dissertation, February 2023
- Low-Level Static Analysis for Memory Usage and Control Flow Recovery, Joshua Bockenek, PhD Dissertation, February 2023
- HetMigrate: Secure and Efficient Cross-architecture Process Live Migration, Abhishek Bapat, MS Thesis, December 2022
- On Optimizing and Leveraging Distributed Shared Memory for High Performance, Resource Aggregation, and Cache-coherent Heterogeneous-ISA Processors, Ho-Ren Chuang, PhD Dissertation, May 2022
- On Reducing the Trusted Computing Base in Binary Verification, Xiaoxin An, PhD Dissertation, May 2022
- ZxOS: Zephyr-based Guest Operating System for Heterogeneous-ISA Machines, Ashwin Krishnakumar, MS Thesis, February 2022
- Lowest-Slowdown-offloaded-First Heterogeneous-ISA Scheduler, Balvansh Heerekar, MEng Project, February 2022
- fDSM: An FPGA-Accelerated Distributed Shared Memory for Heterogeneous Instruction-Set-Architecture Hardware, Naarayanan R. VSathish, MS Thesis, February 2022
- Improving Security of Edge Devices by Offloading Computations to Remote, Trusted Execution Environments, Carlos Bilbao, MS Thesis, December 2021
- Scalable Byzantine State Machine Replication: Designs, Techniques, and Implementations, Balaji Arun, PhD Dissertation, May 2021
- Improving Operating System Security through Enhanced Isolation: Intra-Unikernel Isolation and Storage Server for a Multiserver-Library Operating System, Mincheol Sung, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2021
- DynaCut: A Framework for Dynamic Code Customization, Abhijit Mahurkar, MS Thesis, August 2021
- rave: A Framework for Code and Memory Randomization of Linux Containers, Chris Blackburn, MS Thesis, July 2021
- Unikernelized Driver Domain, A. K. M. Fazla Mehrab, PhD Dissertation Proposal, December 2020
- Secure and Efficient In-Process Monitor and Multi-Variant Execution, SengMing Yeoh, MS Thesis, December 2020
- On Optimizing and Leveraging Distributed Shared Memory: High-Performant Sequential Memory, Relaxed-consistent Memory, and Distributed Hypervisor for Resource Aggregation, Ho-Ren Chuang, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2020
- Translation Validation: Case Studies in OCaml-to-PVS and x86 Disassembly, Xiaoxin An, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2020
- Explicit-State Model Checking of Concurrent x86-64 Assembly, Abhijith Bharadwaj, MS Thesis, May 2020
- Linux Kernel Module Continuous Address Space Re-Randomization, Hassan Nadeem, MS Thesis, January 2020
- SlimGuard: Design and Implementation of a Memory Efficient and Secure Heap Allocator, Beichen Liu, MS Thesis, November 2019
- Formal Verification of Memory Preservation for x86-64 Assembly via Proof Generation, Joshua Bockenek, PhD Dissertation Proposal, September 2019
- Leveraging Processor-diversity For Improved Performance In Heterogeneous-ISA Systems, Yihan Pang, MS 2019, September 2019
- Revamping Byzantine Fault-Tolerant State Machine Replication with Decentralization, Trusted Execution, and Practical Transformations, Balaji Arun, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2019
- Popcorn Linux: A Compiler and Runtime for Execution Migration Between Heterogeneous-ISA Architectures, Robert Lyerly, PhD Dissertation, March 2019
- Design and Implementation of a Network Server in LibrettOS, Mincheol Sung, MS Thesis, November 2018
- Cross-ISA Execution Migration of Unikernels: Build Toolchain, Memory Alignment, and VM State Transfer Techniques, A. K. M. Fazla Mehrab, MS Thesis, November 2018
- Generalized Consensus for Practical Fault-Tolerance, Mohit Garg, MS Thesis, August 2018
- Optimizing Boot Times and Enhancing Binary Compatibility for Unikernels, Daniel Chiba, MS Thesis, May 2018
- USIMPL: An Extension of Isabelle/UTP with Simpl-like Control Flow, Joshua Bockenek, MS Thesis, December 2017
- A Low-latency Consensus Algorithm for Geographically Distributed Systems, Balaji Arun, MS Thesis, February 2017
- Popcorn Linux: A Compiler and Runtime for State Transformation Between Heterogeneous-ISA Architectures, Robert Lyerly, PhD Dissertation Proposal, October 2016
- Optimizing Distributed Transactions: Speculative Client Execution, Certified Serializability, and High Performance Run-Time, Utkarsh Pandey, MS Thesis, August 2016
- Replication of Concurrent Applications in a Shared Memory Multikernel, Yuzhong Wen, MS Thesis, June 2016
- Extracting Parallelism from Legacy Sequential Code Using Transactional Memory, Mohamed M. Saad, PhD Dissertation, May 2016
- A Compiler Framework to Support and Exploit Heterogeneous Overlapping-ISA Multiprocessor Platforms, Christopher Jelesnianski, MS Thesis, October 2015
- High Performance Inter-kernel Communication and Networking in a Replicated-kernel Operating System, Saif Ansary, MS Thesis, September 2015
- Mutex Locking versus Hardware Transactional Memory: An Experimental Evaluation, Sean R. Moore, MS Thesis, September 2015
- On the Fault-tolerance and High Performance of Replicated Transactional Systems, Sachin Hirve, PhD Dissertation, September 2015
- Designing, Modeling, and Optimizing Transactional Data Structures, Ahmed Hassan, PhD Dissertation, September 2015
- On Optimizing Transactional Memory: Transaction Splitting, Scheduling, Fine-grained Fallback, and NUMA Optimization, Mohamed Mohamedin, PhD Dissertation, July 2015
- Efficient Inter-kernel Communication in a Heterogeneous Multikernel Operating System, Ajithchandra Saya, MEng Report, June 2015
- Improving Performance of Highly-Programmable Concurrent Applications by Leveraging Parallel Nesting and Weaker Isolation Levels, Duane F. Niles, Jr., MS Thesis, June 2015
- A Flattened Hierarchical Scheduler for Real-Time Virtual Machines, Michael S. Drescher, MS Thesis, May 2015
- Extracting Parallelism from Legacy Sequential Code Using Software Transactional Memory, Mohamed M. Saad, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2015
- Single System Image in a Linux-based Replicated Operating System Kernel, Akshay Ravichandran, MS Thesis, February 24, 2015
- On Improving Distributed Transactional Memory through Nesting, Partitioning and Ordering, Alexandru Turcu, PhD Dissertation, January 2015
- Ensuring Dependability and Improving Performance of Transactional Systems Deployed on Multi-core Architectures, Mohamed Mohamedin, PhD Dissertation Proposal, November 2014
- On Fault-tolerant and High Performance Replicated Transactional Systems, Sachin Hirve, PhD Dissertation Proposal, October 2014
- Popcorn Linux: Cross Kernel Process and Thread Migration in a Linux-Based Multikernel, David G. Katz, MS Thesis, September 2014
- Real-Time Hierarchical Scheduling of Virtualized Systems, Kevin Burns, MS Thesis, September 2014
- On Improving Transactional Memory: Optimistic Transactional Boosting, Remote Execution, and Hybrid Transactions, Ahmed Hassan, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2014
- Automatic Scheduling of Compute Kernels Across Heterogeneous Architectures, Robert F. Lyerly, MS Thesis, May 2014
- Applying Source Level Auto-Vectorization to Aparapi Java, Frank Curtis Albert, MS Thesis, May 2014
- Resilire: Achieving High Availability Through Virtual Machine Live Migration, Peng Lu, PhD Dissertation, September 2013
- Scheduling Memory Transactions in Distributed Systems, Junwhan Kim, PhD Dissertation, September 2013
- On Partial Aborts and Reducing Validation Costs in Fault-tolerant Distributed Transactional Memory, Aditya Dhoke, MS Thesis, September 2013
- Real-Time Software Transactional Memory: Contention Managers, Time Bounds, and Implementations, Mohammed El-Shambakey, PhD Dissertation, September 2013
- Popcorn Linux: enabling efficient inter-core communication in a Linux-based multikernel operating system, Ben Shelton, MS Thesis, May 2013
- HyflowCPP: A Distributed Transactional Memory framework for C++, Sudhanshu Mishra, MS Thesis, January 2013
- On Improving Distributed Transactional Memory Through Nesting and Data Partitioning, Alexandru Turcu, PhD Dissertation Proposal, November 2012
- LWFG: A Cache-Aware Multi-core Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm, Aaron Lindsay, MS Thesis, June 2012
- Real-Time Software Transactional Memory: Contention Managers, Time Bounds, and Implementations, Mohammed El-Shambakey, PhD Dissertation Proposal, June 2012
- Scheduling Memory Transactions in Distributed Systems, Junwhan Kim, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2012
- Resilire: Achieving High Availability at the Virtual Machine Level, Peng Lu, PhD Dissertation Proposal, April 2012
- ByteSTM: Java Software Transactional Memory at the Virtual Machine Level, Mohamed Mohamedin, MS Thesis, February 2012
- Supporting Software Transactional Memory in Distributed Systems: Protocols for Cache-Coherence, Conflict Resolution, and Replication, Bo Zhang, PhD Dissertation, November 2011
- An Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time DVFS Scheduling Algorithms, Sonal Saha, MS Thesis, September 2011
- An Experimental Evaluation of the Scalability of Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms on Large-Scale Multicore Platforms, Matthew Dellinger, MS Thesis, April 2011
- HyFlow: A High Performance Distributed Software Transactional Memory Framework, Mohamed Saad, MS Thesis, April 2011
- Energy Efficient Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks: Sleep Scheduling, Particle Filtering, and Constrained Flooding, Bo Jiang, PhD Dissertation, December 2010
- On Reducing Delays in P2P Live Streaming Systems, Fei Huang, PhD Dissertation, September 2010
- On Best-Effort Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling on Multiprocessors, Piyush Garyali, MS Thesis, July 2010
- Collaborative Scheduling and Synchronization of Distributable Real-Time Threads, Sherif F. Fahmy, PhD Dissertation, May 2010
- Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks: Wakeup Scheduling, Routing and Broadcasting, Shouwen Lai, PhD Dissertation, April 2010
- Scheduling Distributed Real-Time Tasks in Unreliable and Untrustworthy Distributed Systems, Kai Han, PhD Dissertation, January 2010
- On a Self-Organizing MANET Event Routing Architecture with Causal Dependency Awareness, Guanhong Pei, Master's Thesis, November 2009
- On Reducing Delays in P2P Live Streaming Systems, Fei Huang, PhD Dissertation Proposal, October 2009
- On the Design of Contention Managers and Cache-Coherence Protocols for Distributed Transactional Memory, Bo Zhang, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2009
- Heterogenous Quorum-based Wakeup Scheduling for Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks, Shouwen Lai, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2009
- End-to-end Delay Analysis for Event-driven Wireless Sensor Network Applications, Bo Jiang, PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2009
- Scalable Synchronization and Scheduling of Distributable Real-Time Threads, Sherif Fahmy, PhD Dissertation Proposal, December 2008