Papers (from 2006 till current)
- Stramash: A Fused-kernel Operating System for Cache-Coherent, Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms, T. Xing, C. Xiong, T. Wei, A. Sanchez, B. Ravindran, J. Balkind, and A. Barbalace, ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2025), March 30-April 3, 2025, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Available
- Formally Verified Binary-level Pointer Analysis, F. Verbeek, A. Shokri, D. Engel, and B. Ravindran, 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2025), April 27-May 3, 2025, Ottawa, Canada (author version available as an arXiv report)
- On Extending Incorrectness Logic with Backwards Reasoning, F. Verbeek, M. Sefat, Z. Fu, and B. Ravindran, 52nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2025), January 19-25, 2025, Denver, Colorado, USA
- HEXO: Offloading Long-Running Compute- and Memory-Intensive Workloads on Low-Cost, Low-Power Embedded Systems, P. Olivier, A. Mehrab, S. Errabelly, S. Lankes, M. L. Karaoui, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, October-December, 2024
- Offloading Datacenter Jobs to RISC-V Hardware for Improved Performance and Power Efficiency, B. Heerekar, C. Philippidis, H-R. Chuang, P. Olivier, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, 17th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (Systor 2024), September 23-25, 2024, Virtual
- Verifiably Correct Lifting of Position-Independent x86-64 Binaries to Symbolized Assembly, F. Verbeek, N. Naus, and B. Ravindran, 31st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2024), October 14-18, 2024, Salt Lake City, USA (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Reusable
, Available
- libLISA: Instruction Discovery and Analysis on x86-64, J. Craaijo, F. Verbeek, and B. Ravindran, 2024 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Objected Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2024), October 20-25, 2024, Pasadena, California, USA (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Reusable
, Reproduced
, Available
, poster version of the paper is available here)
- A Family of Fast and Memory Efficient Lock- and Wait-Free Reclamation, R. Nikolaev and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2024), June 24-28, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Reusable
, Available
- Dapper: A Lightweight and Extensible Framework for Live Program State Rewriting, A. Bapat, J. Shastri, X. Wang, A. Sundarasamy, and B. Ravindran, 44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2024), July 23-26, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
- On the Decidability of Disassembling Binaries, D. Engel, F. Verbeek, and B. Ravindran, 18th Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE 2024), July 29-August 1, 2024, Guiyang, China
- sMVX: Multi-Variant Execution on Selected Code Paths, S. Yeoh, X. Wang, J-W. Jang, and B. Ravindran, 25th ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2024), December 2-6, 2024, Hong Kong, China
- Exceptional Interprocedural Control Flow Graphs for x86-64 Binaries, J. Bockenek, F. Verbeek, and B. Ravindran, 21st Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA 2024), July 17-19, 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland
- DynaCut: A Framework for Dynamic and Adaptive Program Customization, A. Mahurkar, X. Wang, H. Zhang, and B. Ravindran, 24th ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2023), December 11-15, 2023, Bologna, Italy
- Understanding the Security of Linux eBPF Subsystem, M. Husain, X. Wang, and B. Ravindran, 14th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2023), August 24-25, 2023, Seoul, South Korea
- BIRD: A Binary Intermediate Representation for Formally Verified Decompilation of x86-64 Binaries, D. Engel, F. Verbeek, and B. Ravindran, 17th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2023), July 18-19, 2023, Leicester, United Kingdom
- Low-level Reachability Analysis based on Formal Logic, N. Naus, F. Verbeek, M. Schoolderman, B. Ravindran, 17th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2023), July 18-19, 2023, Leicester, United Kingdom
- Aggregate VM: Why Reduce or Evict VM’s Resources When You Can Borrow Them From Other Nodes?, H. Chuang, K. Manaouil, T. Xing, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, B. Heerekar, and B. Ravindran, 18th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2023), May 8-12, 2023, Rome, Italy
- A Formal Semantics for P-Code, N. Naus, F. Verbeek, D. Walker, and B. Ravindran, 14th International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE 2022), October 17-18, 2022, Trento, Italy
- Rave: A Modular and Extensible Framework for Program State Re-Randomization, C. Blackburn, X. Wang, and B. Ravindran, 9th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense (MTD 2022), Co-located with CCS 2022, November 7, 2022, Los Angeles, USA
- wCQ: A Fast Wait-Free Queue with Bounded Memory Usage, R. Nikolaev and B. Ravindran, 34th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2022), July 11-14, 2022, Philadelphia, PA
- Scalable Byzantine Fault Tolerance via Partial Decentralization, B. Arun and B. Ravindran, 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), September 05-09, 2022, Sydney, Australia
- DSV: Disassembly Soundness Validation without Assuming a Ground Truth, X. An, F. Verbeek, and B. Ravindran, 14th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2022), May 24-27, 2022, Pasadena, California, USA
- Formally Verified Lifting of C-compiled x86-64 Binaries, F. Verbeek, J. Bockenek, Z. Fu, and B. Ravindran, 43rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2022), June 13-17, 2022, San Diego, California, USA (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Reusable
, Available
- H-Container: Enabling Heterogeneous-ISA Container Migration in Edge Computing, T. Xing, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, M. Karaoui, W. Wang, B. Ravindran, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, March 2022
- Transparent, Cross-ISA Enclave Offloading, X. Wang, C. Bilbao, and B. Ravindran, 5th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution (SysTEX 2022), Co-located with ASPLOS 2022, March 1, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Kite: Lightweight Critical Service Domains, A Mehrab, R. Nikolaev, and B. Ravindran, 17th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2022), April 5-8, 2022, Rennes, France (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Reproduced
, Available
- Adelie: Continuous Address Space Layout Re-Randomization for Linux Drivers, R. Nikolaev, H. Nadeem, C. Stone, and B. Ravindran, 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2022), February 28-March 4, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Reproduced
, Available
, full version of paper is available as an arXiv report)
- wCQ: A Fast Wait-Free Queue with Bounded Memory Usage, R. Nikolaev and B. Ravindran, 27th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2022), Poster paper, February 12-16, 2022, Seoul, South Korea
- An OpenMP Runtime for Transparent Work Sharing Across Cache-Incoherent Heterogeneous Nodes, R. Lyerly, C. Bilbao, C. Min, C. Rossbach, and B. Ravindran, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, December 2021
- Snapshot-Free, Transparent, and Robust Memory Reclamation for Lock-Free Data Structures, R. Nikolaev and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2021), Virtual, June 20-25, 2021 (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Reusable
, Available
, full version of paper is available as an arXiv report)
- x86 Instruction Semantics and Basic Block Symbolic Execution, F. Verbeek, A. Bharadwaj, J. Bockenek, I. Roessle, T. Weerwag, and B. Ravindran, Archive of Formal Proofs, October 2021, Formal proof development, ISSN: 2150-914x
- A Syscall-Level Binary-Compatible Unikernel, P. Olivier, H. Lefeuvre, D. Chiba, S. Lankes, C. Min, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Computers, pages: 1-12, October 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TC.2021.3122896
- Xar-Trek: Run-time Execution Migration among FPGAs and Heterogeneous-ISA CPUs, E. Horta, H-R. Chuang, N. VSathish, C. Philippidis, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, and B. Ravindran, 22nd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2021), Quebec, Canada, December 6-10, 2021 (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Available
, full version of paper is available as an arXiv report)
- Brief Announcement: Crystalline: Fast and Memory Efficient Wait-Free Reclamation, R. Nikolaev and B. Ravindran, 35th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2021), October 4-8, 2021, Freiburg, Germany (full version of paper is available as an arXiv report)
- Verification of Functional Correctness of Code Diversification Techniques, J-W. Jang, F. Verbeek, and B. Ravindran, NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2021), Virtual, May 24-28, 2021
- An OpenMP Runtime for Transparent Work Sharing Across Cache-Incoherent Heterogeneous Nodes, R. Lyerly, C. Min, C. Rossbach, and B. Ravindran, 21st ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2020), Delft, The Netherlands, December 7-11, 2020 (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Available
- Sound C Code Decompilation for a Subset of x86-64 Binaries, F. Verbeek, P. Olivier, and B. Ravindran, 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2020), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 14-18, 2020, Best paper award
- Dynamic and Secure Memory Transformation in Userspace, R. Lyerly, X. Wang, and B. Ravindran, 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2020), Guildford, United Kingdom, September 14-18, 2020
- A Framework for Software Diversification with ISA Heterogeneity, X. Wang, S. Yeoh, R. Lyerly, P. Olivier, S-H. Kim, and B. Ravindran, 23rd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2020), Donostia / San Sebastian, Spain, October 14-16, 2020
- Scaling Shared Memory Multiprocessing Applications in Non-cache-coherent Domains, H-R. Chuang, R. Lyerly, S. Lankes, and B. Ravindran, The 13th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2020), October 13-15, 2020, Haifa, Israel
- A Validation Methodology for OCaml-to-PVS Translation, X. An, A. Tahat, and B. Ravindran, 12th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2020), May 11-15, 2020, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA
- Secure and Efficient In-process Monitor (and Library) Protection with Intel MPK, X. Wang, S. Yeoh, P. Olivier, and B. Ravindran, 13th European Workshop on Systems Security (EuroSec 2020), Co-located with EuroSys 2020, April 27, 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
- The Case for Intra-Unikernel Isolation, P. Olivier, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, 10th Workshop on Systems for Post-Moore Architectures (SPMA 2020), Co-located with EuroSys 2020, April 27, 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
- DEX: Scaling Applications Beyond Machine Boundaries, S-H. Kim, H-R. Chuang, R. Lyerly, P. Olivier, C. Min, and B. Ravindran, 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2020), July 8-10, 2020, Singapore
- Edge Compute -- the Case for Heterogeneous-ISA Container Migration, A. Barbalace, M. Karaoui, W. Wang, T. Xing, P. Olivier, and B. Ravindran, 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2020), March 17, 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland
- LibrettOS: A Dynamically Adaptable Multiserver-Library OS, R. Nikolaev, M. Sung, and B. Ravindran, 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2020), March 17, 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland (arXiv version of paper is available here)
- Intra-Unikernel Isolation with Intel Memory Protection Keys, M. Sung, P. Olivier, S. Lankes, and B. Ravindran, 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2020), March 17, 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Highly Automated Formal Proofs over Memory Usage of Assembly Code, F. Verbeek, J. Bockenek, and B. Ravindran, 26th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2020), April 25-30, 2020, Dublin, Ireland (TACAS Artifact Evaluation: Artifact Accepted
- Universal Wait-Free Memory Reclamation, R. Nikolaev and B. Ravindran, 25th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2020), February 22-26, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Available
, Results Replicated
, full version of paper is available as an arXiv report)
- Taming the Contention in Consensus-based Distributed Systems, B. Arun, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, G. Losa, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, To appear, 2020
- Quantifying Memory Underutilization in HPC Systems and Using it to Improve Performance via Architecture Support, G. Panwar, Y. Pang, D. Zhang, M. Dahshan, N. Debardeleben, B. Ravindran, and X. Jian, 52nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-52), October 12-16, 2019, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- Rethinking Communication in Multiple-kernel OSes for New Shared Memory Interconnects, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, and B. Ravindran, Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2019), SOSP 2019, October 27, 2019, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
- SlimGuard: A Secure and Memory-Efficient Heap Allocator, B. Liu, P. Olivier, and B. Ravindran, ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2019), December 9-13, 2019, UC Davis, CA, USA (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, Available
- Generalized Consensus for Practical Fault Tolerance, M. Garg, S. Peluso, B. Arun, and B. Ravindran, ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2019), December 9-13, 2019, UC Davis, CA, USA
- Establishing a Refinement Relation between Binaries and Abstract Code, F. Verbeek, J. Bockenek, A. Bharadwaj, I. Roessle, and B. Ravindran, ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE 2019), Work-in-Progress, October 9-11, 2019, San Diego, USA
- Symbolic Execution of x86 Assembly in Isabelle/HOL, F. Verbeek, A. Bharadwaj, J. Bockenek, I. Roessle, and B. Ravindran, Workshop on Instruction Set Architecture Specification (SpISA 2019), September 13, 2019, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Scalable Translation Validation of Unverified Legacy OS Code, A. Tahat, S. Joshi, P. Goswami, and B. Ravindran, International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2019), October 22-25, 2019, San Jose, California, USA
- Brief Announcement: Hyaline: Fast and Transparent Lock-Free Memory Reclamation, R. Nikolaev and B. Ravindran, The 38th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2019), July 29-August 2, 2019, Toronto, Canada (full version of paper is available as an arXiv report)
- Formal Verification of Memory Preservation of x86-64 Binaries, J. A. Bockenek, F. Verbeek, P. Lammich, and B. Ravindran, 38th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp 2019), September 10-13, 2019, Turku, Finland
- Cross-ISA Execution of SIMD Regions for Improved Performance, Y. Pang, R. Lyerly, and B. Ravindran, 12th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR'19), June 3-5, 2019, Haifa, Israel
- HEXO: Offloading HPC Compute-Intensive Workloads on Low-Cost, Low-Power Embedded Systems, P. Olivier, A. F. Mehrab, S. Lankes, M. Karaoui, R. Lyerly, and B. Ravindran, The 28th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC'19), June 24-28, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA
- ezBFT: Decentralizing Byzantine Fault-Tolerant State Machine Replication, B. Arun, S. Peluso, and B. Ravindran, The 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'19), July 7-10, 2019, Dallas, TX, USA
- The Multihype: Virtualizing Heterogeneous-ISA Architectures, P. Olivier, B. Ravindran, and A. Barbalace, The 9th Workshop on Systems for Multi-core and Heterogeneous Architectures (SFMA'19), Co-located with 2019 EuroSys, March 25, 2019, Dresden, Germany
- A Framework to Secure Applications with ISA Heterogeneity, X. Wang, S. Yeoh, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, and B. Ravindran, The 9th Workshop on Systems for Multi-core and Heterogeneous Architectures (SFMA'19), Co-located with 2019 EuroSys, March 25, 2019, Dresden, Germany
- A Binary-Compatible Unikernel, P. Olivier, D. Chiba, S. Lankes, C. Min, and B. Ravindran, The 15th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE'19), April 13-14, 2019, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, Best paper award
- Formally Verified Big Step Semantics out of x86-64 Binaries, I. Roessle, F. Verbeek, and B. Ravindran, The 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP'19), January 14-15, 2019, Cascais/Lisbon, Portugal
- Lerna: Parallelizing Dependent Loops Using Speculation, M. M. Saad, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, ACM Transactions on Storage, To appear, 2019
- libMPNode: An OpenMP Runtime For Parallel Processing Across Incoherent Domains, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, and B. Ravindran, The 10th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, Co-located with 2019 PPoPP, February 17, 2019, Washington, DC, USA
- Scheduling HPC Workloads on Heterogenous-ISA Architectures, M. Karaoui, A. Carno, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, P. Olivier, C. Min, and B. Ravindran, 24th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'19), Poster paper, February 16-20, 2019, Washington DC, USA
- Lerna: Parallelizing Dependent Loops Using Speculation, M. Saad, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, 11th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2018), June 4-6, 2018, Haifa, Israel, Best paper award
- AIRA: A Framework for Flexible Compute Kernel Execution in Heterogeneous Platforms, R. Lyerly, A. Murray, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), 2017 (To Appear)
- PrVM: A Multicore Real-Time Virtualization Scheduling Framework With Probabilistic Timing Guarantees, K. Burns, V. Legout, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGBED Review (To Appear)
- Optimistic Transactional Boosting, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri, S. Peluso, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), 2017
- Speeding up Consensus by Chasing Fast Decisions, B. Arun, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, G. Losa, and B. Ravindran, The 47th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2017), June 26-29, 2017, Denver, CO, USA
- Transparent Fault-Tolerance using Intra-Machine Full Software Stack Replication, G. Losa, A. Barbalace, Y. Wen, M. Sadini, H-R. Chuang, and B. Ravindran, The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), June 5-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- A Distributed Operating System Network Stack and Device Driver for Multicores, B. M, Saif Ansary, A. Barbalace, B. Ravindran, T. Lazor, and H-R. Chuang, The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), Short paper, June 5-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- OS Support for Thread Migration and Distribution in the Fully Heterogeneous Datacenter, P. Olivier, S. Kim, and B. Ravindran, The 16th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XVI), May 7-10, 2017, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
- Managing Resource Limitation of Best-Effort HTM, M. Mohamedin, R. Palmieri, A. Hassan, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), 2016
- Swift Birth and Quick Death: Enabling Fast Parallel Guest Boot and Destruction in the Xen Hypervisor, V. Nitu, P. Olivier, A. Tchana, D. Chiba, A. Barbalace, D. Hagimont, and B. Ravindran, 13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2017), April 8-9, 2017, Xi'an, China
- Breaking the Boundaries in Heterogeneous-ISA Datacenters, A. Barbalace, R. Lyerly, C. Jelesnianski, A. Carno, H. Chuang, V. Legout, and B. Ravindran, 22nd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2017), April 8-12, 2017, Xi'an, China
- Opacity vs TMS2: Expectations and Reality, S. Hans, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri, S. Peluso, and B. Ravindran, 30th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2016), September 26-30, 2016, Paris, France
- A Flattened Hierarchical Scheduler for Real-Time Virtualization, M. Drescher, V. Legout, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2016), October 2-7, 2016, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- HiperTM: High Performance, Fault-Tolerant Transactional Memory, S. Hirve, R. Palmieri, B. Ravindran, Theoretical Computer Science journal, To Appear
- Brief Announcement: A Family of Leaderless Generalized-Consensus Algorithms, G. Losa, S. Peluso, B. Ravindran, The 35th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2016), July 25-28, 2016, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Extending TM Primitives using Low Level Semantics, M. Saad, R. Palmieri, A. Hassan, B. Ravindran, The 28th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2016), July 11 - 13, 2016, Asilomar State Beach, California, USA
- Exploiting Parallelism of Distributed Nested Transactions, D. Niles, R. Palmieri, B. Ravindran, The 9th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2016), June 6-8, 2016, Haifa, Israel
- Making Fast Consensus Generally Faster, S. Peluso, A. Turcu, R. Palmieri, G. Losa, B. Ravindran, 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2016), June 28 - July 1, 2016, Toulouse, France
- Lerna: Transparent and Effective Speculative Loop Parallelization, M. Saad, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT 2016), March 12, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
- On Extending TM Primitives using Low Level Semantics, M. Saad, R. Palmieri, A. Hassan, and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT 2016), March 12, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
- On Designing NUMA-Aware Concurrency Control for Scalable Transactional Memory, M. Mohamedin, R. Palmieri, S. Peluso, and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2016), Poster paper, March 12-16, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
- On Ordering Transaction Commit, M. Saad, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2016), Poster paper, March 12-16, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
- Harnessing Energy Efficiency of Heterogeneous ISA Platforms, S.K. Bhat, A. Saya, H.K. Rawat, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, The 2015 USENIX Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower 2015), Co-located with the 25th ACM SOSP, October 4, 2015, Monterey, California, USA
- Remote Transaction Commit: Centralizing Software Transactional Memory Commits, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 2228-2240, July 1 2016
- Transactional Interference-less Balanced Tree, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, 29th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2015), October 5-9, 2015, Tokyo, Japan
- On Open Nesting in Distributed Transactional Memory, A. Turcu, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, 2015
- On the Correctness of Optimistic Composable Data Structures, A. Hassan, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, 7th Workshop on the Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM 2015), July 2015, Portland, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
- Transactional Interference-less Balanced Tree, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, 10th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT 2015), June 2015, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Disjoint-Access Parallelism: Impossibility, Possibility, and Cost of Transactional Memory Implementations, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, P. Romano, B. Ravindran, and F. Quaglia, The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), July 2015, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
- Thread Migration in a Replicated-kernel OS, D. Katz, A. Barbalace, S. Ansary, A. Ravichandran, and B. Ravindran, The 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), June 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- On Preserving Data Integrity of Transactional Applications on Multicore Architectures, M. Mohamedin, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, The 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Short Paper, June 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- On Exploiting Locality for Generalized Consensus, S. Peluso, A. Turcu, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, The 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Short Paper, June 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- Brief Announcement: Managing Resource Limitation of Best-Effort HTM, M. Mohamedin, R. Palmieri, A. Hassan and B. Ravindran, 27th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), June 2015, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Brief Announcement: On Scheduling Best-Effort HTM Transactions, M. Mohamedin, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 27th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), June 2015, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Popcorn: Bridging the Programmability Gap in Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms, A. Barbalace, M. Sadini, S. Ansary, C. Jelesnianski, A. Ravichandran, C. Kendir, A. Murray and B. Ravindran, The 2015 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), April 2015, Bordeaux, France
- Transaction Execution Models in Partially Replicated Transactional Memory: The Case for Data-flow and Control-flow, Transactional Memory: Foundations, Algorithms, Tools and Applications, R. Palmieri, S. Peluso and B Ravindran, Book Chapter, ISBN 978-3-319-14719-2, Springer, 2015
- On Scheduling in Distributed Transactional Memory: Techniques and Tradeoffs, Handbook on Data Centers, J. Kim, R. Palmieri and B Ravindran, Book Chapter, ISBN: 978-1-4939-2091-4, Springer, 2015
- The Case for Resurrecting Distributed Virtual Shared Memory, B. M. S. Ansary, ACM Student Research Competition, 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
- Popcorn: a replicated-kernel OS based on Linux, A. Barbalace, B. Ravindran and D. Katz, Ottawa Linux Symposium (OLS), July 2014, Ottawa, Canada
- Automated Data Partitioning for Highly Scalable and Strongly Consistent Transactions, A. Turcu, R. Palmieri, B. Ravindran and S. Hirve, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), vol. PP,no. 99, pp. 1-1, 2015
- An Automated Framework for Decomposing Memory Transactions to Exploit Partial Rollback, A. Dhoke, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 29th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS), May 2015, Hyderabad, India
- On Reducing False Conflicts in Distributed Transactional Data Structures, A. Dhoke, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), January 2015, Goa, India
- Reducing Aborts in Distributed Transactional Systems through Dependency Detection, B. Zhang, B. Ravindran and R. Palmieri, 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), January 2015, Goa, India
- On Developing Optimistic Transactional Lazy Set, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), December 15-19, 2014, Cortina, Italy
- Be General and Don't Give Up Consistency in Geo-Replicated Transactional Systems, A. Turcu, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), December 15-19, 2014, Cortina, Italy
- Speculative Client Execution in Deferred Update Replication, B. Arun, S. Hirve, R. Palmieri, S. Peluso and B. Ravindran, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 9th Middleware for Next Generation Internet Computing (MW4NG), workshop of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 15th International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2014), December 8-12, 2014, Bordeaux, France
- Archie: A Speculative Replicated Transactional System, S. Hirve, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 15th International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2014), December 8-12, 2014, Bordeaux, France
- Brief Announcement: On Breaching the Wall of Impossibility Results on Disjoint-Access Parallel STM, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, P. Romano, B. Ravindran and F. Quaglia, 28th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2014), October 12-15, 2014, Austin, Texas
- Applying Source Level Auto-Vectorization to Aparapi Java, C. Albert, A. Murray and B. Ravindran, 2014 International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on Java Platform: Virtual Machines, Programming Languages, and Tools (PPPJ 2014), September 23-26, 2014, Cracow, Poland
- On Making Transactional Applications Resilient to Data Corruption Faults, M. Mohamedin, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 13th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA14), August 21-23, 2014 Boston, USA
- KairosVM: Deterministic Introspection for Real-time Virtual Machine Hierarchical Scheduling, K. Burns, A. Barbalace, V. Legout, and B. Ravindran, Workshop on Virtualization for Real-Time Embedded Systems (VtRES 2014), September 16, 2014 Barcelona, Spain
- On Cache-Aware Task Partitioning for Multicore Embedded Real-Time Systems, A. Lindsay and B. Ravindran, 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2014), August 20-22, 2014, Paris, France
- Distributed Transactional Contention Management as the Traveling Salesman Problem, B. Zhang, B. Ravindran and R. Palmieri, 21th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2014), July 23-25, 2014, Hida Takayama, Japan
- Automated Data Partitioning for Highly Scalable and Strongly Consistent Transactions, A. Turcu, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 7th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2014), June 10-12, 2014, Haifa, Israel
- Managing Soft-errors in Transactional Systems, M. Mohamedin, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 19th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS 2014), May 23, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Towards Operating System Support for Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms, A. Barbalace, A. Murray, R. Lyerly and B. Ravindran, 4th Workshop on Systems for Future Multicore Architectures (SFMA '14), April 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- On Breaching the Wall of Impossibility Results on Disjoint-Access Parallel STM, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, P. Romano, B. Ravindran and F. Quaglia, Euro-TM Workshop on Transactional Memory (WTM 2014), April 13, 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Integrating Transactionally Boosted Data Structures with STM Frameworks: A Case Study on Set, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 9th Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT 2014), March 2014, Utah, USA
- Remote Invalidation: Optimizing the Critical Path of Memory Transactions, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, 28th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS 2014), May 19-23, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Optimistic Transactional Boosting, A. Hassan, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2014), Poster paper, February 15-19, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA
- HiperTM: High Performance, Fault-Tolerant Transactional Memory, S. Hirve, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), January 2014, Coimbatore, India
- Automated data partitioning for independent distributed transactions, A. Turcu, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 14th International Middleware Conference, Middleware 2013, Poster paper, December 9-13, 2013, Beijing, China
- SMASH: speculative state machine replication in transactional systems, S. Hirve, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 14th International Middleware Conference, Middleware 2013, Poster paper, December 9-13, 2013, Beijing, China
- On High Performance Distributed Transactional Data Structures, A. Dhoke, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, ACM/IFIP/USENIX 14th International Middleware Conference, Middleware 2013, Poster paper, December 9-13, 2013, Beijing, China
- A Page Coherency Protocol for Popcorn Replicated-kernel Operating System, M. Sadini, A. Barbalace, B. Ravindran, and F. Quaglia, 2013 Many-Core Architecture Research Community (MARC) Symposium, ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), October 2013, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- On Transactional Memory Concurrency Control in Distributed Real-Time Programs, S. Hirve, A. Lindsay, B. Ravindran and R. Palmieri, IEEE Cluster 2013, September, 2013, Indianapolis, USA
- Adaptive Live Migration to Improve Load Balancing in Virtual Machine Environment, P. Lu, A. Barbalace, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, Federative and interoperable cloud infrastructures (FedICI 2013), 19th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), August, 2013, Aachen, Germany
- Hyflow2: A High Performance Distributed Transactional Memory Framework in Scala, A. Turcu, B. Ravindran and R. Palmieri, 10th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on JAVA platform: virtual machines, languages, and tools (PPPJ 2013), September, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany
- On the Viability of Speculative Transactional Replication in Database Systems: a Case Study with PostgreSQL, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, F. Quaglia and B. Ravindran, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA13), August, 2013, Boston, USA
- HyflowCPP: A Distributed Transactional Memory Framework for C++, S. Mishra, A. Turcu, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA13), August, 2013, Boston, USA
- Enhancing Concurrency in Distributed Transactional Memory through Commutativity, J. Kim, R. Palmieri and B. Ravindran, 19th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), August, 2013, Aachen, Germany
- On Closed Nesting and Checkpointing in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Transactional Memory, A. Dhoke, B. Ravindran and B. Zhang, 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2013, Boston, USA
- HSG-LM: Hybrid-Copy Speculative Guest OS Live Migration without Hypervisor, P. Lu, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, 6th Annual International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2013), June/July, 2013, Haifa, Israel
- ByteSTM: Virtual Machine-level Java Software Transactional Memory, M. Mohamedin, B. Ravindran, and R. Palmieri, 15th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION 2013), June 2013, Firenze, Italy
- Scheduling Open-Nested Transactions in Distributed Transactional Memory, J. Kim, R. Palmieri, and B. Ravindran, 15th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION 2013), June 3-5, 2013, Firenze, Italy
- ByteSTM: Virtual Machine-level Java Software Transactional Memory, M. Mohamedin and B. Ravindran, 8th Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT 2013), March 2013, Houston, USA
- Scheduling Transactions in Replicated Distributed Software Transactional Memory, J. Kim and B. Ravindran, The 13th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid2013), May 2013, Delft, The Netherlands
- FBLT: A Real-Time Contention Manager with Improved Real-Time Schedulability, M. El-Shambakey and B. Ravindran, ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE 2013), March 2013, Grenoble, France
- On Real-Time STM Concurrency Control for Embedded Software with Improved Schedulability, M. El-Shambakey and B. Ravindran, 18th ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2013), January 2013, Yokohama, Japan
- A Framework Accommodating Categorized Multiprocessor Real-time Scheduling in the RTSJ, J. Kwon, H. Cho, and B. Ravindran, 10th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems (JTRES 2012), October 2012
- Transactional Forwarding: Supporting Highly Concurrent STM in Asynchronous Distributed Systems, M. Saad and B. Ravindran, 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), October 2012
- VPC: Scalable, Low Downtime Checkpointing for Virtual Clusters, P. Lu, B. Ravindran, and C. Kim, 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), October 2012
- HydraVM: Extracting Parallelism from Legacy Sequential Code Using STM, M. Saad, M. Mohamedin, and B. Ravindran, 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar 2012), June 2012
- On Open Nesting in Distributed Transactional Memory, A. Turcu and B. Ravindran, 5th Annual International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR), June 2012, Best Student Paper Award
- An Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time DVFS Scheduling Algorithms, S. Saha and B. Ravindran, 5th Annual International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR), June 2012
- STM Concurrency Control for Embedded Real-Time Software with Tighter Time Bounds, M. El-Shambakey and B. Ravindran, ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 2012
- Scheduling Closed-Nested Transactions in Distributed Transactional Memory, J. Kim and B. Ravindran, IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2012
- On Closed Nesting in Distributed Software Transactional Memory, A. Turcu, M. Saad, and B. Ravindran, ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT), February 2012
- STM Concurrency Control for Multicore Embedded Real-Time Software: Time Bounds and Tradeoffs, M. El-Shambakey and B. Ravindran, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Track on Embedded Systems, March 2012
- An Experimental Evaluation of the Scalability of Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms on Large-Scale Multicore Platforms, M. Dellinger, A. Lindsay, and B. Ravindran, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 17,no. 4.3, pp. 1-12, 2012
- Least-Latency Routing over Time-Dependent Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Lai and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 969-983, 2012
- Probability-based Prediction and Sleep Scheduling for Energy Efficient Target Tracking in Sensor Networks, B. Jiang, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 735-747, 2012
- A Quorum-Based Replication Framework for Distributed Software Transactional Memory, B. Zhang and B. Ravindran, International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2011), December 2011
- Enhancing the Performance of High Availability Lightweight Live Migration, P. Lu, B. Ravindran, and C. Kim, International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2011), December 2011
- ChronOS: A Best-Effort Real-Time Linux Kernel for Multiprocessors, M. Dellinger, P. Garyali, and B. Ravindran, ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC 2011), June 2011
- Snake: Control Flow Distributed Software Transactional Memory, M. Saad and B. Ravindran, International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2011), October 2011
- Supporting STM in Distributed Systems: Mechanisms and a Java Framework, M. Saad and B. Ravindran, ACM International Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT 2011), June 2011
- HyFlow: A High Performance Distributed Software Transactional Memory Framework, M. Saad and B. Ravindran, ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2011), Short Paper, June 2011
- An Automatic Presence Service for Low Duty-Cycled Mobile Sensor Networks, S. Lai and B. Ravindran, Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), June 2011
- Completely Distributed Particle Filters for Target Tracking in Sensor Networks, B. Jiang and B. Ravindran, IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2011), May 2011
- Achieving Max-Min Lifetime and Fairness with Rate Allocation for Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks, S. Lai and B. Ravindran, Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 9, Issue 5, July 2011
- On Transactional Scheduling in Distributed Transactional Memory Systems, J. Kim and B. Ravindran, International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2010), September 2010
- On Best-Effort Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling on Multiprocessors, P. Garyali, M. Dellinger, and B. Ravindran, International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2010), December 2010
- On Minimizing Average End-to-End Delay in P2P Live Streaming Systems, F. Huang, M. Khan, and B. Ravindran, International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2010), December 2010
- Self-organizing and Self-reconfigurable Event Routing in Ad Hoc Networks with Causal Dependency Awareness, G. Pei, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, To appear
- On Enhancing Concurrency in Distributed Transactional Memory, B. Zhang and B. Ravindran, Brief Announcement, ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2010), July 2010
- Distributed Queuing or Distributed Priority Queuing? On the Design of Cache-Coherence Protocols for Distributed Transactional Memory, B. Zhang and B. Ravindran, Brief Announcement, ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2010), July 2010
- Lightweight Live Migration for High Availability Cluster Service, B. Jiang, B. Ravindran, and C. Kim, International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2010), September 2010
- NAP: An Agent-based Scheme on Reducing Churn-Induced Delays for P2P Live Streaming, F. Huang, B. Ravindran, and M. Khan, IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2010), August 2010
- Dynamic Analysis of the Relay Cache-Coherence Protocol for Distributed Transactional Memory, B. Zhang and B. Ravindran, IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2010), April 2010
- Achieving Max-Min Lifetime and Fairness with Rate Allocation for Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks, S. Lai and B. Ravindran, Ad Hoc Networks, To appear
- On Distributed Time-Dependent Shortest Paths over Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Lai and B. Ravindran, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2010), March 2010
- On Multihop Broadcast over Adaptively Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Lai and B. Ravindran, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2010), June 2010
- T-L Plane-Based Real-Time Scheduling for Homogeneous Multiprocessors, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, To appear
- Heterogeneous Quorum-based Wakeup Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Lai, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, IEEE Transactions on Computers, To appear
- An Approximation Algorithm for Minimum-Delay Peer-to-Peer Streaming, F. Huang, B. Ravindran, and A. Vullikanti, Ninth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2009), September 2009
- Relay: A Cache-Coherence Protocol for Distributed Transactional Memory, B. Zhang and B. Ravindran, International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems (OPODIS 2009), December 2009
- CFlood: A Constrained Flooding Protocol for Real-Time Data Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks, B. Jiang, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2009), Track on Sensor Networks, November 2009
- Recovering from Distributable Thread Failures in Distributed Real-Time Java, E. Curley, B. Ravindran, J. Anderson, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), To appear
- Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling for Multiprocessor Embedded Systems, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, To appear
- Location-Aware Cache-Coherence Protocols for Distributed Transactional Contention Management in Metric-Space Networks, B. Zhang and B. Ravindran, IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), September 2009
- On Real-Time Capacity of Event-driven Data-Gathering Sensor Networks, B. Jiang, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, ACM International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services (ACM Mobiquitous), July 2009
- On Bounding Response Times under Software Transactional Memory in Distributed Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems, S. Fahmy, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), Real-Time Systems Track, April 2009
- Garbage Collector Scheduling in Dynamic, Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and C. Na, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2009, To appear
- Response Time Analysis of Software Transactional Memory-based Distributed Real-Time Systems, S. Fahmy, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Track on Operating Systems, March 2009
- Opportunistic Real-Time Routing in MultiHop Wireless Sensor Networks, J. Kim and B. Ravindran, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Track on Wireless Sensor Networks, March 2009
- On Scheduling Soft Real-Time Tasks with Lock-Free Synchronization for Embedded Devices, S. Lai, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Track on Embedded Systems, March 2009
- CQS-Pair: Cyclic Quorum System Pair for Wakeup Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks, S. Lai, B. Zhang, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), December 2008
- SOQ: A Service-Oriented Quorum-Based Protocol for Resilient Real-Time Communication in Partitionable Networks, B. Zhang and B. Ravindran, IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), December 2008
- On A Self-organizing MANET Event Routing Architecture with Causal Dependency Awareness, G. Pei, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), October 2008.
- RT-P2P: A Scalable Real-Time Peer-to-Peer System with Probabilistic Timing Assurances, F. Huang, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), December 2008
- Rate Allocation with Fairness and Lifetime Maximization for Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks, S. Lai, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), October 2008
- On Scalable Synchronization for Distributed Embedded Real-time Systems, S. Fahmy, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IFIP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS 2008), Invited Position paper, October 2008
- Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling in Sensor Networks for Multiple Target Tracking, B. Jiang, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), June 2008
- Scheduling Dependent Distributable Real-Time Threads in Dynamic Networked Embedded Systems, S. Fahmy, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES), September 2008
- Lock-Free Synchronization for Dynamic, Embedded Real-Time Systems, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2008. (Journal version of the 2006 ACM Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE) paper.) Also, appears as "On Lock-Free Synchronization for Dynamic Embedded Real-Time Software," Design, Automation, and Test in Europe: The Most Influential Papers of 10 Years, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6487-6, Rudy Lauwereins and Jan Madsen (Editors), Section 1: System Level Design, Springer-Verlag, January 2008
- On collaborative scheduling of distributable real-time threads in dynamic, networked embedded systems, S. Fahmy, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Symposium on Object and component-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC), May 2008 (invited paper)
- Fast Scheduling of Distributable Real-Time Threads with Assured End-to-End Timeliness, S. Fahmy, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, 13th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2008, June 2008
- Scheduling Distributable Real-Time Threads in Networked Embedded Systems in the Presence of Crash Failures and Message Losses, S. Fahmy, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), Track on Real-Time Systems, March 2008
- Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling based on Moving Directions in Target Tracking Sensor Networks, B. Jiang, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and H. Cho, IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), April 2008
- RTQG: Real-Time Quorum-based Gossip Protocol for Unreliable Networks, B. Zhang, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), March 2008
- Real-Time, Byzantine-Tolerant Information Dissemination in Unreliable and Untrustworthy Distributed Systems, K. Han, G. Pei, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), May 2008
- Integrated Real-Time Scheduling and Communication with Probabilistic Timing Assurances in Unreliable Distributed Systems, F. Huang, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), March/April 2008
- RTRD: Real-Time and Reliable Data Delivery in Ad Hoc Networks, K. Han, G. Pei, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March/April 2008
- LRTG: Scheduling Distributed Real-Time Tasks in Unreliable and Untrustworthy Systems, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Symposium on Frontiers in Networking with Applications (FINA), IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2008
- RTG-L: Dependably Scheduling Real-Time Distributable Threads in Large-Scale, Unreliable Networks, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), December 2007
- Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling Under the Unimodal Arbitrary Arrival Model with Energy Bounds, H. Wu, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2007
- On Scheduling Garbage Collector in Dynamic Real-Time Systems with Statistical Timeliness Assurances, H. Cho, C. Na, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, Journal of Real-Time Systems, 2007
- Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling Under Variable Cost Functions, H. Wu, U. Balli, B. Ravindran, J. Anderson, E. D. Jensen, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2007, Volume 56, Number 3, pages 385-401, March 2007
- Space-Optimal Wait-Free Real-Time Synchronization, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, E. D. Jensen, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 56, Number 3, pages 373-384, March 2007
- Probabilistic, Real-Time Scheduling of Distributable Threads Under Dependencies in Ad Hoc Networks, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC), March 2007
- Synchronization for an Optimal Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm on Multiprocessors, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), 2007
- Exploiting Slack for Scheduling Dependent, Distributable Real-Time Threads in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS), pages 225-234, March 2007
- Consensus-Driven Distributable Thread Scheduling in Networked Embedded Systems, J. Anderson, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), December 2007
- Assured-Timeliness Integrity Protocols for Distributable Real-Time Threads with in Dynamic Distributed Systems, B. Ravindran, E. Curley, J. Anderson, and E. D. Jensen, International Workshop on Embedded Software Optimization (ESO), IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), December 2007
- Byzantine-Tolerant Point-To-Point Information Propagation in Untrustworthy and Unreliable Networks, K. Han, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), 2007
- On Distributed Real-Time Scheduling in Networked Embedded Systems in the Presence of Crash Failures, B. Ravindran, J. Anderson, and E. D. Jensen, IFIFP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS), IEEE ISORC, May 2007
- On Scheduling Exception Handlers in Dynamic Real-Time Systems, B. Ravindran, E. Curley, and E. D. Jensen, International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), Springer LNCS 4523, pages 510-529, May 2007
- On Best-Effort Real-Time Assurances for Recovering from Distributable Thread Failures, E. Curley, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Symposium on Object and component-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC), pages 344-353, May 2007
- An Optimal Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessors, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), December 2006
- Recovering from Distributable Thread Failures with Assured Timeliness in Real-Time Distributed Systems, E. Curley, J. Anderson, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), October 2006
- Lock-Free Synchronization for Dynamic Embedded Real-Time Systems, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March 2006
- Utility Accrual, Real-Time Scheduling with Energy Bounds, H. Wu, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), Track on Embedded Systems, pages 933-934, April 2006
- Energy-Efficient, Utility Accrual Scheduling under Resource Constraints for Mobile Embedded Systems, H. Wu, B. Ravindran, E. D. Jensen, and P. Li, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)
- A Utility Accrual Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Activities With Mutual Exclusion Resource Constraints, P. Li, H. Wu, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Volume 55, Issue 4, pages 454 - 469, April 2006
- Utility Accrual Real-Time Channel Establishment in Multi-hop Networks, K. Channakeshava, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Volume 55, Issue 4, pages 428 - 442, April 2006
- On Utility Accrual Processor Scheduling with Wait-Free Synchronization for Embedded Real-Time Software, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), Track on Embedded Systems, pages 918-922, April 2006
- Garbage Collector Scheduling in Dynamic, Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems, C. Na, H. Cho, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), August 2006
- On Multiprocessor Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling With Statistical Timing Assurances, H. Cho, H. Wu, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), August 2006
- Utility Accrual Real-Time Resource Access Protocols with Assured Individual Activity Timeliness Behavior, P. Li, H. Wu, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS), May 2006
- On Scheduling Garbage Collector in Dynamic Real-Time Systems With Statistical Timeliness Assurances, H. Cho, C. Na, B. Ravindran, and E. D. Jensen, IEEE International Symposium on Object and component-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC), April 2006
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